近年世界各国で開発が進められている自動運転。その中でも高い技術力や革新的なプラットフォームで注目を浴びる株式会社ティアフォーのコーポレートサイトのリニューアルと、「Web.Auto」「Pilot.Auto」という二つのプロダクトサイトの制作においてWebGL / フロントエンド開発を担当しました。
In recent years, autonomous driving has been advancing globally. Among these developments, TIER IV, Inc. stands out for its high level of technology and innovative platforms. We were responsible for WebGL and frontend development in the renewal of Tier IV's corporate site and the creation of two product sites, "Web.Auto" and "Pilot.Auto."
In the websites we created, we aimed to convey Tier IV's cutting-edge status as a tech company with strong technological development capabilities and the flexibility characteristic of a company that deals with open source. We strived to create websites that engage and inspire.