eggraphix Inc.


Art Director Web Developer Founder
Kohei Yamamoto

eggraphix lnc.代表。制作会社数社を経て、2018年にeggraphix Inc.を設立。デジタル領域のArtDirection/Design/Web Developを生業に、デザインから実装までトータルで担当することもあれば、実装のみのようなワンポイントリリーフのような動きをしたり、プロジェクトの困った大小の隙間を埋めるちょうどいい存在を目指してます。東京⇄湘南在住。高知出身。

Representative of eggraphix Inc. After working at several production companies, established eggraphix Inc. in 2018. Specializes in Art Direction, Design, and Web Development in the digital realm. The company sometimes handles everything from design to implementation or takes on specific tasks like implementation alone, aiming to be a perfect fit for filling various project gaps, big or small. Resides in Tokyo and Shonan, originally from Kochi.

Dolce & Gabbana × Jujutsu Kaisen

Art Direction Design Front-end Development WebGL


Creative Direction Art Direction Design Front-end Development CMS Development